The Wormuth One-Name Study.
What is a one-name study?
A one-name study is a project researching a specific surname, as opposed to a particular pedigree (ancestors of one person) or descendancy (descendants of one person or couple). A one-name study is not limited to persons who are related biologically. Studies may include a number of family trees which have no link with each other. - Wikipedia
My one-name studies are, according to the guidelines of WikiTree and the Guild of One-Name Studies, exhaustive; meaning I will be looking for every individual with any of the variant surnames of Wormuth, that I can find, wherever they are, whenever they lived. That means that the study can continue, by someone else, after I am gone.
Wormuth is the spelling of the surname, as used in my mother's family. I have also found the following variant spellings related to members of the family, or not: Wermuth, Warmuth, Wormouth, Wermouth, Warmouth, and Wormwood. The last spelling is surprising but is definitely an alternate spelling to a Wormuth that lived in the Mohawk Valley.
My maternal grandmother's Wormuth family lived, mostly, in Sullivan County, NY, but also spread into Delaware County, NY.
There is a historic Wormuth family who were in the Mohawk Valley that may or may not be connected.
I began this one-name study, like many do, because I could not find the origins of the family, knew about the "other" Wormuth family in the Mohawk valley and suspected they were related and knew there were variant spellings.
Both WikiTree and the Guild of One-Name Studies have guidelines and instructions for conducting such a study. The Guild suggests a web site for each study so I decided that Blogger would suffice.
More later....
Right now, setting up the site format is important.
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